Photo Battles

Photo Battles in Pictographs—an exclusive opportunity to showcase your creativity, engage in creative competition, and earn even more $PICTO tokens.

Participate, choose your best shots, and climb to the top of the leaderboard. Here, every photo you take is a step toward success and rewards! In this exciting game mode, various challenges and contests await you:

  • Daily Photo Battle

    Every day, you can participate in photo battles related to the daily quests of the previous day. Choose a quest, place your bet, and compete for the title of the best photo in a group of 10 participants.

  • Free Photo Battle

    In this mode you can choose any of your photos to participate.

Photo Battle Mechanics

1. Prize Pool

The battle's prize pool is formed from participants' stakes. In each battle, players can choose from several stakes. The higher the stake, the larger the prize pool, and the more tokens the battle winners will receive.

2. Matchmaking

Each battle is attended by 10 people, each of whom participates with one of their photographs. As soon as the required number of participants is reached, the voting stage begins.

3. Voting

Each of the 10 participants is presented with pairs of photos, where the player must choose between 2 photos on the screen, selecting the one they like more. Throughout the voting cycle, each photo is compared to every other photo, meaning the player has to review 45 pairs of photos and choose the best one in each pair, in their opinion. Time for voting stage is limited. Each participant must vote in each of the 45 pairs of photos; otherwise, they are considered disqualified from the battle.

4. Rewards distribution

The top 3 players, whose photos have collectively received the highest number of likes after the voting, share the prize pool in the following ratio:

1st place – 40% of the prize pool

2nd place – 30% of the prize pool

3rd place – 20% of the prize pool

The remaining 10% is allocated to the project's treasury for ongoing development.

Each player can take part in battles as many times as he likes.

Photo Battles in Pictographs are not just competitions; they are a journey into the world of creativity and adventure. Showcase your talent, compete for leadership, and become a true master of photography!

Last updated